Paediatric dentist Munich
LACHZAHN - Dental Care Centre for Children
Dear children and parents, We would like to welcome you to the Lachzahn Dental Care Centre for Children in Munich-Trudering. You can expect a relaxed and cheerful atmosphere and a highly trained team of dentists who specialise in paediatric dentistry. Thanks to our sensitive and child-friendly treatment methods, visiting the dentist is really fun for our little patients. This is how we lay the foundation for the necessary relationship of trust and lifelong dental health. We are happy to be there for you!
The Lachzahn practice attaches great importance to hygiene.
We do our best to protect our employees and patients from corona infection. Help us with that.
In paediatric dentistry we focus on prevention & prophylaxis
In our dental care centre for children, we have specialised in paediatric dentistry and offer all areas of this specialist field. In addition to classical dentistry, natural healing methods are also used as an alternative or supplement. Keeping children's teeth healthy requires attention from the very first tooth, because the foundation for a tooth-healthy life is laid in childhood. That is why prophylaxis and preventive care are especially important to us!
Child-friendly treatment methods & empathy
To ensure that our young patients feel comfortable in our paediatric dental practice from the very first moment, you will find a child-friendly and loving atmosphere here. Our aim is for your child to build up a positive relationship with their dentist. The latest German oral health study proves us right: children enjoy the healthiest teeth in this country - a result of constant prophylaxis, education and improved oral hygiene.

What should I do if I have a dental accident?
The most important thing is to stay calm and visit our paediatric dental practice or the dental clinic (LMU) as soon as possible. You can find out here what to do during the initial treatment or when transporting the tooth or tooth fragment.

What to do if the milk teeth do not fall out and the permanent tooth is already growing (shark tooth)?
Sometimes the permanent tooth grows before the milk tooth has fallen out. The teeth then stand in two rows like shark teeth. You can find more information about the change of teeth here.

MIH (chalky teeth) - What is it?
MIH (molar incisor hypomineralisation) refers to a structural disorder of the tooth enamel that leads, among other things, to whitish-yellow spots on the teeth, hence the term "chalk teeth". Mostly the 1st molars and the incisors are affected.

The Lachzahn pacifier fairy in action
Pacifier and thumb sucking beyond the completion of the 2nd year of life, can lead to misaligned teeth and jaw abnormalities. Often, pacifier children have trouble with proper tongue position and can't pronounce the S sounds correctly. But weaning off a pacifier is often not that easy.
To make it a little easier for the children, we regularly invite our pacifier fairy to the practice. The children see the real pacifier fairy in her long dress with wings and exchange their pacifiers for a little cuddly bear. So that we can organize the visit well, please be sure to register in advance!

This way, the visit to the paediatric dentist will be a complete success!
The visit to the paediatric dentist should be completely natural and fun for your child, so we recommend a visit starting with the first milk tooth. The first appointment is primarily for the purpose of informing and advising the parents. During the initial consultation, your child's teeth will be counted and you will receive important information and recommendations on nutrition, drinks and tips on proper dental care. Any problems that may arise can thus be detected early and treated at an early stage. Another advantage: The children can already build up trust at the preventive care appointments and do not only get to know us at the first "hole".
Perfectly prepared for the first "real" treatment appointment
The first treatment appointment is an unfamiliar situation for your child. It is important to us that our little patients experience the visit without fear and leave our practice with a positive feeling. The behaviour of the parents plays a decisive role here, because "the fear of the dentist" is not innate, but learned. The best preparation is actually no preparation. Through ritualised behaviour guidance, child-friendly explanation of all therapy steps and hypnotic elements, we will guide your child through the treatment. Try to radiate security and calmness and avoid denials and negative statements such as "It's not bad", "It won't hurt'' or "Don't worry, nothing will happen". Also, please do not promise your child a reward for a visit to the paediatric dentist, as this will only reinforce the feeling of having to master a big challenge.
In preparation for your first visit to our practice in Munich-Trudering, we would like to ask you to complete the medical history form and the patient registration form and bring them with you to your appointment. When registering, please also inform us about your child's current state of health and any previous illnesses. This enables us to optimally adjust to our little patients.
Your child is the centre of attention during the treatment
From our experience we can say that the presence of the parents gives security and support especially to small children. Therefore, it is very important to us that at least one parent attends the treatment of the child. Please stay in the background and let your child answer our questions and make their own decisions. This is the only way we as the dental team can gain your child's trust. As your child grows older, he or she will have the confidence and self-assurance to go through the treatment appointment without you accompanying him or her. Feel free to encourage your child to do this!
Yay, we are going to Lachzahn paediatric dentistry today!
From our experience we can say that the presence of the parents gives security and support especially to small children. Therefore, it is very important to us that at least one parent attends the treatment of the child. Please stay in the background and let your child answer our questions and make their own decisions. This is the only way we as the dental team can gain your child's trust. As your child grows older, he or she will have the confidence and self-assurance to go through the treatment appointment without you accompanying him or her. Feel free to encourage your child to do this!